Un Paese all’Opera

In 2001 he created the project “Un Paese all’Opera”, an initiative which saw the collaboration between professional artists, local authorities, local production companies, volunteers and children. The project united all citizens in the creation of operas and multidisciplinary shows, in order to encourage young people to revive the tradition of melodrama and Italian vocality, which was so rooted in Emilia-Romagna in previous generations. Furthermore, the project also had the objective of enhancing the spaces of the territory, also offering people with physical and/or economic fragility free access to culture, without having to go to theaters which often present themselves as places of difficult enjoyment for those who live in small towns and for those with reduced economic possibilities. The “Un Paese all’Opera” project was presented in various places in Italy and in 2012 received the dedicated medal from the President of the Italian Republic.

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“The Presidency of the Republic rewards the small town near Bologna for “Un Paese all’Opera”. On 14 August, a show of solidarity for the children of Crevalcore. The letter and the medal from the Quirinale. A new medal for Emilia-Romagna. it is about another Olympic success, but about the important recognition given by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano to the “Un Paese all’Opera” project carried out in the Municipality of San Giovanni in Persiceto – more precisely in San Matteo della Decima – an initiative which has been years has promoted awareness of opera in the area. The Presidential medal arrived in the small town in the province of Bologna together with the recognition that the Quirinale officially delivered a few days ago to the president of the other local association “Settima Diminuita”. show This year “Un Paese all’Opera” will be aimed at raising funds for the cultural activities of the children of Crevalcore affected by last May’s earthquake, proposing on August 14th, at 9 pm, “Terre d’Acqua Terre in moto – show for a country at work”. On the stage in Piazza V April there will not be the staging of an opera, as usual, but a concert-show, with music, images and dance that will tell a story of land and water. The contemporary dance pieces are part of the “Cultures and Water Carriers” project, which the Settima Diminuita Association created in Italy and Istanbul as the only Italian organization to win a European tender on intercultural dialogue with Turkey. The show will be enriched by the works of the Earth and Water laboratories, which will show the creativity of building the future with clay, with gestures and with imagination, laboratories which will be held the days before the concert to involve all the children who want participate. A precious opportunity for culture and sharing.”

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