Madama Butterfly


Japanese tragedy in three acts by G. Puccini

Nagasaki, early twentieth century. The lieutenant of the United States Navy, Pinkerton, together with the matchmaker Goro, is in the house that he bought to make a love nest with Cio-Cio San, known as Madama Butterfly.
Among the first guests comes the American consul Sharpless, to whom Pinkerton confides his easy philosophy of love: he will marry Butterfly with the Japanese rite, with the reservation of being able to leave her when he has found a true American bride…

Wednesday 17 July 2002 – 9.15 pm – Piazza Duomo – Pistoia

with Ilaria Galgani (Cio-Cio San), Alessandro Maffucci (Pinkerton), Andrea Zese (Sharpless), Claudia Nicole Bandiera (Suzuki), Antonio Pannunzio (Goro), Cesare Lana (Uncle Bonzo), Leonardo Nibbi (the Imperial Commissioner and Yamadori), Silvana Froli (Kate Pinkerton) Scenes Paolo Galli and Sergio Breviario

Direction and Costumes Yasuko Sato
Pisan Choral Society Choir
Estense Philharmonic Orchestra of Ferrara
Orchestra Conductor Giampaolo Mazzoli

Wednesday 14 August 2002 – 9pm – Ca’ Granda della Partecipanza, S. Andrea della Decima.

with Ilaria Galgani (Cio-Cio San), Roberto Bencivenga (Pinkerton), Carmelo Corrado Caruso (Sharpless), Claudia Nicole Bandiera (Suzuki), Antonio Pannunzio (Goro), An Gyun-Ming (Uncle Bonzo), Leonardo Nibbi (the Imperial Commissioner and Yamadori)

Estense Philharmonic Orchestra of Ferrara
Orchestra Conductor Morena Malaguti
Directed by Roberto Bencivenga
Scenes Fabrizio Megna
Yasuko Sato Costumes
Pisan Choral Society Choir

La vedova allegra
La Traviata