Ubaldo and Gaetano Gandolfi, eminent 18th century painters, sons of the house manager Ranuzzi, were born at Palazzo Fontana.
Ubaldo Gandolfi (San Matteo della Decima 1728 – Ravenna 1781) received from his teachers (Graziani, Celli, Toselli) a pictorial training adhering to the principles of the Accademia Clementina of Bologna. Like his brother Gaetano, he also stayed for a year in Venice and his painting was later influenced by the Venetian painters (Piazzetta, Tiepolo).
Gaetano Gandolfi (San Matteo della Decima 1732 – Bologna 1802) like Ubaldo attended the Accademia Clementina in Bologna, but the decisive influence on him was exerted by his brother. In 1760 he spent a year in Venice, where he had the opportunity to study the works of Tiepolo and other Venetian painters. He also traveled to England but upon returning to Bologna he created frescoes and canvases in various churches and convents in Bologna. His fame, after his Venetian experience, increased so much that his pictorial performances were requested in various cities in Italy.
Mauro Gandolfi (Bologna, 1764-1834), son and pupil of Gaetano, soon demonstrated a lively and rebellious nature. At just sixteen years old he left his family and left for France. Returning to Bologna in 1785 he began to attend the Clementina Academy, refining the technical knowledge his father had introduced him to. He won numerous awards and was appointed “figure professor” from 1794 to 1797. In the meantime he helped his father, an established painter and burdened with commissions, by working in his atelier and was independently active as a painter, designer, miniaturist and engraver, passions he cultivated since his French stay.

To celebrate the Gandolfis and the splendid eighteenth-century residence that gave them birth, Villa Fontana, the municipality of San Giovanni in Persiceto, in collaboration with the Settimadiminuita musical association and the private collectors Sandra and Alberto Alberghini, organized the exhibition “The Gandolfis, a story to be rediscovered” which will remain open to the public on Saturday 25 September from 10.30am to 5.30pm and Sunday 26th from 10.30am to 5.30pm. Entrance to the exhibition is free and access to the villa is permitted from via Levratica.
The concert organized by the Settima Diminuita association will see the presence of the soprano Scilla Cristiano, the baritone Maurizio Leoni, the pianist Morena Malaguti and the dancer Sabrina Lucido and will begin at 7 pm
Soprano: Scilla Cristiano, baritone: Maurizio Leoni, piano: Morena Malaguti