Water Carriers Project

Project financed by the European program “The Civil Society Facility-EU-Turkey Intercultural Dialogue-Culture and Arts”.

The only Italian project co-financed by the European Union and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey for the year 2012, Cultures and Water Carriers has created an intercultural dialogue through the arts involving Italy, Turkey and Corsica .

The project saw the participation of 30 young artists, aged between 18 and 28, including dancers, musicians, video makers, costume designers and set designers, selected in auditions both in Italy and Turkey. The project lasted fourteen months and ended with the show disseminating the results presented on 16 December 2012 at the Belli Theater in Rome.

The thirty young artists participating in the project engaged in continuous dialogue and exchange of skills both remotely, through the use of social networks, and in the creative workshops that were held in Rome and Istanbul.

The young artists discussed the theme of water as an ethical and universal theme and therefore a meeting ground between different cultures, creating the show All rivers run to the sea that never fills, where they set out to develop their path creative developed in the continuous exchange of experiences and different artistic-cultural languages.

Now that the project has ended, the bonds remain, the bonds that water has created between young Turkish and Italian artists, a creative bridge between East and West.

Partners of the Cultures and watercarriers project were Artemis Kultur Sanat Dernegi for Turkey and Compagnia TeatrEuropa de Corse for France.

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