Water is a good that will become one of the most valuable assets for humanity. Protect water and its use means protection of life.
This project has the goal of creating educational and cultural exchanges taking as inspiration the theme of water as a common meeting ground between different cultures. Intercultural dialogue can then be developed on two channels actually shared, the artistic language and the protection of a common good that becomes the theme, artistic and educational environment. The water, as a geographical-cultural study and as a source of artistic inspiration, becomes an excuse to think and to create professional exchanges, providing an opportunity for young artists to increase their skills in the different artistic languages such as music, dance and multimedia.
The dialogue between artists of different cultures is also developed through the development, protection and use of eco-friendly material that will also be a constituent element of the final performances that will be held in Italy and Turkey.
22nd of November
Cultures and water carriers at Liceo italiano di Istanbul Özel Italyan Lisesi - Tomtom Kaptan Sokak No:3 - 34453 Beyoglu - Istanbul
In the morning, presenting the show "ALL THE RIVERS FLOW INTO THE SEA THAT NEVER FILLS UP..." Afternoon Italian and Turkish artists held workshops open to students.
Look at the video
by artists on the video Gallery
The promo of the italian artists!
Turkish auditions
The auditions of the turkish artists!
The first auditions of the italian artists!
New site
We are online with the new site!
Here we are on line with the new site, where you can follow the experience of young artists selected for this project of intercultural dialogue between Italy and Turkey and with the contribution of Corsica. The new site will put you in direct contact with artists of the blog where you can follow their path and share the experience!
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Probably we are looking for you
We are looking for dancers, musicians, video artists and set/ costume designers for participation in the co--financed, by European Union and the republic of Turkey, project. "Cultures and Water Carriers".
Download (italian version)
Download (english version)
Download (turkish version)