belgioso-locandinaThe Princess Cristina Belgioioso was a woman of a thousand faces: writer and patriot impatient fighter against the foreign oppression. Aa woman of “ beauty thirsting for truth” as her friend the German poet Heinrich Heine used to call her.

The tale of the adventurous and exciting life of Princess Cristina Belgioioso is settled in a contemporary living room. During the years of her exile in Paris she opened her home to artists and actors in the Italian fight for the Risorgimento. Her lounge became one of the most important in Paris and was attended by artists such as Stendhal, Dumas, Heine, Liszt, Bellini. Rich, intelligent and eccentric, Cristina Belgioioso lived a full and rich life out of the traditional schemes of the time to which she belonged and unfortunately sank into oblivion after her death.


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